VPNAVY Operation Poppy by Captain Edward M. Brittingham
VPNAVY Address

Books Royal Australian Air Force MiscellaneousBooks

RAAF Magazine Thumbnail"Air Power International is the only full colour trade magazine dedicated solely to the world of modern military aviation around the world." [07SEP98]

BooksBOOKs: Title: "Lockheed P2V Neptune An Illustrated History" [Chapter 18 Australia] by Wayne Mutza wmutza@wi.rr.com...A Schiffer Military History Book...ISBN: 0-7643-0151-9...286 pages full of pictures and history!

Flight SimulatorSIMULATORs: Description: FS98 Lockheed P-3C RAAF Orion. (p-3craaf.zip) Download: raaf_p3_01_02nov2001.zip WebSite: FlightSimScenes http://www.j-dannenberg.de/ [02NOV2001]

"Royal Australian Air Force Summary Page"