VA(HM)-13 Notice
NOTICE: "...When I was young (1957 or 1958), my squadron VA(HM)-13, which was VP-24 shortly before and after, sent 3 crews on a "MedFam". It was supposed to get the crews familiar with the Mediterranean. I remember we stopped at Nice, France and on the way back, Majorca. I volunteered to stay with the aircraft at the field rather than go to town (actually, as a 3rd Class, broke). The next morning, several ambulances arrived at the field with U. S. Navymen aboard, bringing them to catch a civilian hospital plane that had arrived. Some had died, and others were burned terrible. I remember one African-American crewman that had no place on his body that wasn't burned and they couldn't lay him on the stretcher without him crying in pain. Anyway, we were told that the plane that had crashed was from VP-21. The pilot had lifted the disabled plane that was going in up over a small settlement, crash-landed it in an orchard and slid up against a windmill where it impacted and burned. This happened the day before we got there (can't remember the date). I looked at VP-21's mishap page and could find no reference to it . Was I wrong in remembering it was from VP-21? If anyone remembers anything like that, please let me know. I remember those boys vividly. McCOMAS, AVCM Finis (Mac) Retired" [23JAN2007]
NOTICE: "...All Hands of VB-104, VPB-104, VP-24, VP-HL-4, VA-(HM)13..."
I obtained your email address from the web site VPNAVYor through some other public forum. I am broadcasting this email message in the blind.
I solicit your participation in the VP-24 Veterans Association. It is a non-profit organization. Anyone (or spouse) who served in VP-24 or it's predecessor squadrons is welcome.
It will cost you nothing (although financial support is always needed and requested). You are encouraged to participate in reunion events and support the Association in anyway you can. I will not be contacting you again unless you contact me. Plane Captains, Chiefs, CO's, Dept. Heads and PPC's organize your crews/staffs to sign up! We need some youngsters to join, the Navy isn't making anymore VP-24 veterans! Those of you still in the NAVY, get the word out!
We have been having annual reunions for the last 10 years or so. We have about 400 people on our roster. In Oct. we had a reunion in Dayton OH with our brothers from VPB-104 of WW II fame, from which VP-24 is descended.
In 2000 (Plan Nov 11) we will have our next Reunion in Pensacola Fla! Be there. To get your name on the squadron roster contact via email, phone or surface mail:
Jack Claugherty 1830 Mate Circle Cantonment, FL 32533 850-937-0853
I am also writing a History of VP-24, including VP-HL-4 and VA-(HM)13. I have many facts from Naval Records. I need stories and pictures from you. Can you assist me? You'll get credit and any pictures will be returned. As you are 'wired' we can talk electronically. I can process just about any file type containing pictures!
Did you know the squadron once rescued Eddie Rickenbacker? Did you know Eleanor Roosevlt once flew as co-pilot for 2.5 hours? Did you know the squadron won 2 Presidential Unit Citations? Did you know the squadron shot down Admiral Yamagata? Did you know the Batgirl had a sex change? Remember the time our plane landed with 15 gallons of fuel left? Did you know the squadron lost a plane in New Foundland? Did you know the squadron was in the middle of the Cuban Missile crises? Did you know the squadron was disestablished in 1995? Do you know how many people have served in VP-24?
I was in VP-24 in the mid 60's, in real airplanes (open windows, recip engines that leaked oil etc. I know, we didn't have guns!). There is little 'history' of the squadron in the 80's & 90's. I need a lot of help there.
Remember - email to Jack to be included on the roster. Email or call me regarding History.
Spread the word to the non-wired Shipmates! Pensacola 2000! We would like to have the roster up to 1,000 and have 300 vets at Pensacola!
Best of the Holidays to you and your families! Get the word out!
Andy Massa 15 Michigan Dr. Hudson, MA 01749 978-294-2354 (work) 978-562-3222 (home)[10DEC99]
"VA(HM)-13 Summary Page"