VH-1 Mishap
MISHAPs: 10 AUG 44 A/C: PBY-5 Location: Landing area off Saipan Strike: Yes BUNO: 08140 Cause: Plane had been ashore for two days for repairs on the hull and a check of the port engine, which had a carburetor change on the water, and the right wing which had a dent in the leading edge which caused it to stall out on its landings (The could not be fixed here). Delayed by the beaching crew, plane did not get into the air until 1400, original take-off time was supposed to be at 1200. Due to radio silence, pilot did not make contact with base (USS Onslow) at any time. A normal landing was made and after contacting the water, plane bounced about 5-ft in the air. The right wing stalled and dropped causing right float to hit water and it snapped off. This caused plane to turn to the right and waterloop to the left. Plane sank. Was to be raised later and stripped for parts. Crew: Pilot Lt(jg) Donald H. Hall A-V(N) USNR/Minor inj, Acmm Richard G. Barrons USN/Minor inj, Rm2c Otto E. Backes USNR/Seriously inj, Amm2c Herman M. Eimmers USNR/Seriously inj, Aomb2c Arnold McLtzer USNR/Seriously inj, Aom2c Harold M. Redland USN/Minor inj, and Amm2c James M. Meacham USN/Minor inj. Contributed by Terry pb4y-2@sbcglobal.net [12AUG2001]
"VH-1 Summary Page"