VP-104 Crew
Crew 1
CREWs:  VP-104 Crew 1 "...Commander Sears of VB-104 took Mrs. Roosevelt from NOB Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides Islands to our base at Guadacanal. She arrived on September 17th and returned on the 18th, 1943. The first lady was allowed to fly as co-pilot on the return hop and landing. He was flying LT Alley's and Crew-5 Plane (BUNO: 32075), as his #48 was crashed earlier by LT Searls. They had made modification to this plane which had a picture of a nude girl and was named "Open Bottom". They painted over the name. She had peviously told the skipper after seeing all the painted planes that sailors have the cleanest bodies and dirtyest minds..." Contributed by Jack Bartell jjbartell@gorge.net [02FEB2011]
Crew 3
CREWs:  VP-104 Crew 3 "11NOV44--Front Row (left to right) AMM1c Vey, LT Hill, LTJG Pratt, LTJG James Wimberly and AOM3c Nason. Back row (left to right) AOM1c McKenzie, AOM2c Forrester, ARM1c Anderson, ARM3c Gothard, AMM3c W. R. Clayton (later replaced by AMM3c Waddles) and AMM3c Diachin, U.S. Navy photo." "Survivors" by Mr. Charles D. Vey, FOUNDATION Volume 16 Number 2 Fall 1995 Page 79 Contributed by George B. Winter pbycat@bellsouth.net
Crew 7
CREWs:  VP-104 Crew 7 "...This is a photograph of Crew #7, the plane is Donald's Duck named after the pilot, Herb Donald. The tall slender gentleman standing directly beneath the #4 on the hull was the aircrafts ball-turret gunner Robert L. Hammond Sr., my grandfather. I know little else about the rest of the crew or their names..." Contributed by Matthew C. Hammond Sr. mchstarblazer@comcast.net [06FEB2010]
Crew 11
CREWs:  VP-104 Crew 11 "...Crew 11, scanned from the "official" tour book. Front Row, L. to R.: Elliot, Yuzapavich, Butler, Beovich, Miller Rear Row, L. to R.: Thys, Nuckolls, Perry, Heider, Whelan, Henning Crew roster as follows; Plane Commander...Lt. Walter Heider...First Pilot...Lt.(jg) David Perry...Co-Pilot...Lt.(jg) Jim Whelan...Plane Captain...Henry Butler...Mech-Gunner...Earl Henning...Mech-Gunner...Robert Beovich...Mech-Gunner...John Elliot...Radioman-Gunner...Xavier Yuzapavich...Radioman-Gunner...Donald Nuckolls...Ordnance-Gunner*...Willam Thys...Ordnance-Gunner...Frank Miller...* my dad had crossed out "ord-gunner" and pencilled in "Air Bomber", which, I presume was a promotion or something, after the book went to press." Contributed by Bill Thys BillTHYS@aol.com
Crew 38
CREWs:  VP-104 Crew 38 "...From my Dad's (Bob Tribelhorn) collection: FRONT ROW - LEFT TO RIGHT: Jim Quickenstedt (Plane Captain - 1st Mechanic), Jerry Butler (Gunner), Jess Pelham (2nd Radio/Radarman), Stan Duda (ail Gunner) and Bob Tribelhorn (1st Radio/Radarman). SECOND ROW - LEFT TO RIGHT: Tom O'brien (Gunner), Walt Swart (2nd Mechanic), Billy Shields (PPC), Bob Garner (Navigator), Stan Karwoski (2nd Pilot), 'Pappy' Ridenour (Gunner) and Karl Merle (Bombadier). We called Ridemour "Pappy" because he was 38 years old (the oldest a person could be to be called up by the draft)..." Contributed by Carol Johnson garjohn@verizon.net [05NOV2010]
 "VP-104 Summary Page"