VPNAVY VP-5 P2 BUNO: 128358
VPNAVY Address

VP AircraftVP-14 AircraftVP Aircraft

Consolidated P2Y Profile

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2Y ThumbnailCameraVP-14F P2Y BUNO: 14F-P-1 "...Consolidated P2Y-2 - 14F-P-1 - NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1938 - I am a admirer of the US Navy Float- and Torpedoplanes for several years now. I am drawing profiles from the USN Floatplanes and Torpedoplanes from the early beginnings (1910-etc). These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [22OCT2015]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2Y ThumbnailCameraVP-14F P2Y BUNO: 14F-P-4 "...Consolidated P2Y-2 - 14F-P-3 - NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1938 - I am a admirer of the US Navy Float- and Torpedoplanes for several years now. I am drawing profiles from the USN Floatplanes and Torpedoplanes from the early beginnings (1910-etc). These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [22OCT2015]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2Y ThumbnailCameraVP-14F P2Y BUNO: 14F-P-1 "...Consolidated P2Y-2 - 14F-P-4 - NAS Norfolk, Virginia 1938 - I am a admirer of the US Navy Float- and Torpedoplanes for several years now. I am drawing profiles from the USN Floatplanes and Torpedoplanes from the early beginnings (1910-etc). These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [22OCT2015]

VP AircraftAIRCRAFT: P2Y ThumbnailCameraVP-14F P2Y BUNO: 14F-P-3 "...Consolidated P2Y-2 - 14F-P-9 - St. Thomas Virgin Islands - February 1938 - I am a admirer of the US Navy Float- and Torpedoplanes for several years now. I am drawing profiles from the USN Floatplanes and Torpedoplanes from the early beginnings (1910-etc). These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [22OCT2015]

"VP-14F Summary Page"