VP-5 Alumni Association
*** Reunion - April 21st through 25th, 2010 Announced! ***


.: Reunions

VP-5 Alumni Association Reunions

May 17-18

Contributed by Donald Latimer

UPDATE The reunion was so rewarding for me, I am very glad I went. The week-end passed so quickly, I wished it had lasted longer. Men came from all over the country; several from California, several from Colorado, and from many northern and mid-west states. We had about 200 in attendance, the most ever to attend, and about 75% were first timers to the reunion (as I was).

Saturday we were treated to a tour of VP-5 hanger and office facilities at NAS Jacksonville, by the C.O. of the squadron. CDR Paul Frost gave us a slide lecture of the last squadron deployment to the Mediterranean area, and the interdictions made at sea of suspicious cargo ships in support of the war against Al Quada terrorists and other missions they performed in support of the Afghan war. It was fascinating.

Then we went on a tour of two of the VP-5 P-3 Orion aircraft, and lastly, a tour of the P-3 trainer, where they let us make a take-off in a simulated cockpit depicting the NAS Jax runway and beaches area. It was so realistic, you felt just like you were in an aircraft taking off.

There were many men there who did the 1961/1962 deployment to Iceland. Many who knew and had flown with members of the lost crew, and who flew missions in the search and rescue operation following the loss of LA-9. I renewed many old friendships of guys I had not seen in 40 years. It was sort of like reliving my youth, in a way.

The banquet on Saturday night hosted the children of CDR Norbert Kozak as guests, and their spouses. They are Patty Kozak (now Masiantoni), Peter Kozak, and Mike Kozak. They are in their 40's now, and were just young children when they lost their father.

Ken Terry, the head of MIA/Missing Persons, Bureau of Naval Personnel, was the guest speaker. He discussed the LA-9 crash site in detail. He stated that helicopter pilots photographed the remains of two crewmen at the wreck site in 1995. He said that the recovery party in 1966, recovered the remains of 10 of the 12 crewmen, but that subsequent identification of only 7 of the 10 could be made. This was before DNA technology was available, and the best method at the time was dental records. The two who were left on the glacier are among those 5 who are named on the common gravestone at Arlington National Cemetery.

Mr. Terry said that he was recommending that a 2nd recovery be made to the LA-9 site for the remaining crew remains, that they may be repatriated. He said it was up to the Secretary of the Navy to assign command responsibility and funding for the mission. He believes it will happen, but cannot give a firm date. He said the earliest would be the summer of 2003 or 2004. He also advised that we keep up the letter writing campaign, and that our efforts now be directed towards the SECNAV.

Best regards,

Bob Pettway rpettway@centurytel.net [01JUN2002]

P.S. I made a memorial poster board of the LA-9 crew for display in the hospitality room and it was also displayed in the banquet room. It was like the lost crew were with us at the reunion. It was surreal. When my wife, Gaila, read the "The Reunion" poem at the banquet, many of us felt the presence of lost crew-members amongst us. A lot of guys have died of natural causes over the past 40 years, besides the LA-9 crew. There was a list of those who have passed, in the hospitality room.

P.P.S. The majority attending voted to have the next VP-5 Reunion in two years, or 2004, and that they be held every 2 years in the future.

UPDATE "...Reunion Poem..." Contributed by Butch and Carol Russell alr@xit.net WebSite: THE REUNION -by Rachel Firth and forwarded by Bob Pettway rpettway@centurytel.net [01JUN2002]

Thanks to Donald Latimer donlat@cox.net for sharing this poem about a military reunion. Don was a friend of my husband's brother, who was killed in a Navy plane crash in 1962. I have done a memorial page in his honor. I found the following poem to be touching and so well written. The secret to writing a poem, I've always felt is to use words to paint a picture, while at the same time telling a story. The words should draw you in and make you feel as if you are a part of the experience. This poem does that for me. I hope you enjoy it as well. The music playing is an old Civil War song, "Rally Round The Flag." ... Carol

THE REUNION -by Rachel Firth

Autumn leaves rustling, together to the appointed place the old warriors come.

Pilgrims, drifting across the land they fought to preserve. Where they meet is not important anymore. They meet and that's enough for now.

Greetings echo across a lobby. Hands reach out and arms draw buddies close. Embraces, that as young men they were too uncomfortable to give, too shy to accept so lovingly.

But deep within these Indian summer days, they have reached a greater understanding of life and love.

The shells holding their souls are weaker now, but hearts and minds grow vigorous, remembering.

On a table someone spreads old photographs, a test of recollection.

And friendly laughter echoes at shocks of hair gone gray or white or merely gone. The rugged slender bodies lost forever. Yet they no longer need to prove their strength.

Some are now sustained by one of "medicines miracles," and even in this fact, they manage to find humor.

The women, all those that waited, all those who loved them, have watched the changes take place.

Now, they observe and listen, and smile at each other; as glad to be together as the men.

Talk turns to war and planes and foreign lands. Stories are told and told again, reweaving the threadbare fabricate of the past.

Mending one more time the banner of their youth. They hear the vibrations, feel the shudder of metal as engines whine and whirl, and planes come to life.

These birds with fractured wings can be seen beyond the mist of clouds, and they are in the air again, chasing the wind, feeling the exhilaration of flight close to the heavens.

Dead comrades, hearing their names spoken, wanting to share in this time, if only in spirit, move silently among them.

Their presence is felt and smiles appear beneath misty eyes. Each, in his own way may wonder who will be absent in another year. The room grows quite for a time.

Suddenly an ember flames to life. Another memory burns. The talk may turn to other wars and other men, and of futility. So, this is how it goes. The past is so much present. In their ceremonies, the allegiances, the speeches and the prayers, one cannot help but hear the deep eternal love of country they will forever share.

Finally, it is time to leave. Much too soon to set aside this little piece of yesterday, but the past cannot be held too long, for it is fragile.

They say "Farewell" . . . "see you another year, God willing."

Each keeps a little of the others with him forever.

UPDATE "...I had an email from BUPERS today. Kenneth W. Terry, the Section Head of Missing Persons Group (MIA/POW), of Casualty Assistance Division, Bureau of Naval Personnel, USN, will be the guest speaker at the reunion. [SEE: AFTER ALMOST 40 YEARS SINCE THE CRASH - ISN'T IT TIME THEY CAME HOME?]..." Contributed by Bob Pettway rpettway@centurytel.net [28FEB2002]

Dear Mad Foxes,

First of all, Nick and I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your families the happiest of Holidays this season. As most of you know, we almost had a VP-5 Reunion in 1998, but had to cancel due to a lack of interest and short lead time in planning the event. We have heard from many of you, however, wanting another Reunion and now have scheduled it for the weekend of May 17 and 18, 2002.

The location will remain the same - the previous Best Western Motel, which is now known as the "Spindrifter of Orange Park" in Orange Park, FL. The room rates are $51.00 per night. As usual, we will have a catered event for both nights. If you call the Spindrifter at 800-533-1211 for reservations, remember to tell them you are attending the VP-5 Reunion in order to get the discount rate.

Point of contact: Ray Chute (904) 284-9211 raychute@bellsouth.net

Point of contact: Nick Mulich (904) 778-1110 nicknjax@gmail.com


Please make every effort to let us know as soon as possible if you plan to attend as we have to guarantee the motel a minimum number of persons attending the Friday and Saturday events as well as a minimum number of guest rooms in order to have a hospitality suite as we have had in the past.

Since it has been some time since we have had a reunion our operating funds are low and we need some operating money so we can make our required deposits and mailings. A $10.00 donation from all association members would be appreciated to cover these operating expenses.

Mail responses (with check payable to VP-5 Reunion Assn:) to:

Nick Mulich
6440 Harlow Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32210

Your Reunion Committee,
Ray Chute Nick Mulich nicknjax@gmail.com

WHEN: Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18, 2002

WHERE: Spindrifter (formerly Best Western), Orange Park, FL

COST: Estimated cost of $20.00 Friday - $30.00 Saturday per person. Covers cost of hospitality room(stocked with drinks and snacks), souvenir gifts, wine glasses, etc.

Brief schedule of events:

Friday, May 17 - Check in - registration. The Hospitality room, stocked with coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, wine, a variety of booze and plenty of healthy (and some not-so-healthy) food items, will be open all day and evening throughout the reunion unless a scheduled event is in process. Pool party/cookout at 1900.

Saturday, May 18 - Official business meeting, including spouses, will be held at 1500. Banquet dinner in Large Banquet Room at 1900.

Sunday, May 19 - Check out and goodbyes.

"VP-5 Reunion Summary Page"

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Last Updated 04AUG1998