VP-64 Notice
NOTICE: "...I found a coin that says Department of the Navy United Staes of America on one side and on the other it says Presented by Commanding Officer Condors VP-64. I found it a long time ago and I don't even remember where I found it. I would love for someone to have it (free) that it would mean something to. I am in a military family so I know how important things like that can be! So, just let me know if any former Shipmate is interested. Thank you..." Contributed by Loni Gibson loni.gibson@ymail.com [11MAY2013]
NOTICE: "...Being that the NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania CPOA will disestablish in April 2011, we're trying to determine the year it was actually established. Our current records don't have that information. I'm looking for plankowners from VP-64, VP-66, VP-1123 or VP-2493 to possibly help us. Any and all help will be appreciated, even if you can just point us in the direction of who else might know. Thanks..." Contributed by GENSCH, Mike wgcpoareunion@verizon.net [14MAR2010]
NOTICE: "...Disestablishment of Commander Reserve Patrol Wing (SEE: OPNAVNOTE 3111)..." Contributed by Merrill Kruse kruse@navmar.com [03FEB2007]
Disestablishment of Commander Reserve Patrol Wing
This invitation is extended to ALL personnel active duty, FTS/TAR & SelRes who served in any Reserve VP Squadron (VP-60, VP-62, VP-64, VP-65, VP-66, VP-67, VP-68, VP-69, VP-90, VP-91, VP-92, VP-93, VP-94, VP-MAU, VP-SAU/SRU), any Reserve VP Training Command (RATCEN, RESASWTAC, RESASWTAC East/RESASWTAC West) or any Reserve VP Support Unit (TSC units, MOCC units).
On 23 June 2007, following the Change of Command for Capt. Ken Lewko (VP-92,VP-66, CO RATCEN, Wing CSO, etc.) there will be a "celebration" of sorts, to commemorate Commander Reserve Patrol Wing (formerly COMRESPATWINGLANT & COMRESPATWINGPAC) at its Disestablishment. It is thought that this would be the best "Last Chance" for those that have served in the Reserve Force Maritime Patrol Aviation community across the years to get together one last time and remember the long and proud heritage of which each of us is a part.
Plans are underway, with a major question being "how many will attend?" If you plan on attending please send an email response to:
CDR Phillips samuel.phillips@navy.mil
You should then receive an evite invitation which will provide additional details and costs. You must return the evite with payment in order to ensure access to the event.
Date: 23 June 2007 Place: NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania Time: TBA
NOTICE: "...Navy Establishing Augment Units For All FRS's Including VP-30..." Contributed by LCDR Robert J. Cable cablerj@vp30.navy.mil [03DEC2003]
The Navy is scheduling the establishment of a Squadron Augment Unit (SAU) attached to VP-30 for 1 October, 2004. Final numbers have yet to be released, but the SAU is likely to total near 150 personnel composed of Officer and Enlisted instructors and maintenance personnel. The SAU has begun recruiting the advance party of 20 maintainers in the AD, AE, AT, AM, and AME rates. If you are interested in serving as a Selected Reservist in VP-30 SAU, have P-3 NEC's and P-3 experience within the last 6 years, and are within drilling distance of NAS Jacksonville, Florida, please call Naval Reserve Recruiting Area SE at 904-542-3320 ext 490 or the SAU OIC at 904-542-0990.
NOTICE: "...I have been told the following is the schedule for the Reserve Patrol Squadrons to disestablish over the next 6 years..." Contributed by James Turnbull dxorion@nbnet.nb.ca [19SEP2003]
2004 - No units will disestablish. 2005 - VP-64 and VP-92 will disestablish. 2006 - VP-62 and VP-66 will disestablish. 2007 - VP-65 and VP-69 will disestablish. 2008 - VP-94 will disestablish
NOTICE: "...Looking for the names of the PPC, and 2P on Task Force Tune Up out of NS Roosevelt Roads, PR in early 1984 as part of CAC-6/CAC-2/CAC-1 history. CAC-1 and CO CDR DiLullo participating. Also looking for the AO-2 or AO-3 who replalced Pete McCaughley during the deployment to NS Rota, Spain and NAS Sigonella, Sicily in 1977; young Irish kid with red hair, I think. I see that the Condors have kept up the good work since I left...ROBIDEAU, AWCS Larry "Robby" Retired larobidoo@cs.com..." [06JAN2003]
"...The AO2 sought in the inquiry was AO2 Jeff Doherty. Jeff eventually retired out of VP-64 and now lives in Alabama..." Contributed by ROBIDEAU, AWCS Larry "Robby" Retired larobidoo@cs.com [30JAN2010]
"VP-64 Summary Page"