VP-7F Aircraft
Douglas PD-1 Profile
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F PD-1 BUNO: 7980 "...I am a admirer of the US Navy Float- and Torpedoplanes for several years now. I am drawing profiles from the USN Floatplanes and Torpedoplanes from the early beginnings (1910-etc). These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [03DEC2017]
Consolidated P2Y Profile
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F P2Y BUNO: 7-P-1 "...Consolidated P2Y-3 - 7-P-1 USS Wright (AV-1) Humbolt Bay Alaska 1935. These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [27DEC2015]
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F P2Y BUNO: 7-P-2 "...Consolidated P2Y-3 - 7-P-2 USS Wright (AV-1) Humbolt Bay Alaska 1935. These profiles are patrol floatplanes as a tribute to the VP-squadrons and pilots..." Contributed by Paul Imhoff p.imhoff@hetnet.nl [27DEC2015]
Consolidated P2Y
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F P2Y BUNO: 7-P-1 "...VP-7F (7-P-1) P2Y-3 (BuNo unknown) in flight near San Diego, circa late 1930s. Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [26DEC2003]
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F P2Y BUNO: 7-P-1 "...P2Y-3 of VP-7F. c. 1936..." National Museum of Naval Aviation Website: http://www.naval-air.org/In%20Flight%20Pix/Patrol_In_Flight.htm [12MAY2001]
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F P2Y BUNO: 7-P-2 "..."This is aircraft number 2 of Patrol Squadron Seven Base Force (VP-7F) based at Naval Air Station (NAS) San Diego, California, USA, ca. 1935..." WebSite: Old Airplane Pictures http://oldairplanepictures.com/ [16JUL2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F P2Y BUNO: 7-P-2 "...BUNO: 9570 - DAN SHUMAKER COLLECTION - No. 6242. Consolidated 22 P2Y-3 (9570) US Navy. 03/31/2007. Remarks by Jack McKillop: "This is aircraft number 2 of Patrol Squadron Seven Base Force (VP-7F) based at Naval Air Station (NAS) San Diego, California, USA, ca. 1935."..." WebSite: 1000AircraftPhotos http://1000aircraftphotos.com/ [16JUL2008]
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F P2Y BUNO: 7-P-2 "...BUNO: 9570 - Came from yahoo group. USNavy Aircraft Group..." Contributed by Bill Larkin via KOONTS, AT2 Billy billkoonts@aol.com [18AUG2002]
AIRCRAFT: VP-7F P2Y BUNO: 7-P-4 "...Official U. S. Navy Photograph..." [28JUL99]
"VP-7F Summary Page"