VP-MS-8 History
Circa 1948
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...The Mission Of A Seaplane Squadron Has Changed Somewhat Since The War Years - Page 4 to 5 - Naval Aviation News - March 1948..." WebSite: http://www.history.navy.mil/nan/backissues/1940s/1948/mar48.pdf [10JUL2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: UNIT: VP-8 PREVIOUS DES: VP-MS-8 NAME: Tigers TAIL CODE: EP/HD/LB ACTIVATED: 9-1-48 DEACTIVATED: TYPICAL LOCATION(S): NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island / NAS Chincoteague, Virginia / NAS Patuxent River, Maryland
"Title: Lockheed P2V Neptune An Illustrated History by Wayne Mutza wmutza@wi.rr.com...A Schiffer Military History Book...ISBN: 0-7643-0151-9...286 pages full of pictures and history!
Circa 1948 - 1949
A BIT OF HISTORY: " CD-ROM: Dictionary of American Naval Aviation Squadrons Vol. 2 Stock No. 008-046-00195-2 The History of VP, VPB, VP(HL), and VP(AM) Naval Historical Center, Department Of The Navy, Washington, D. C...." [15JUN2000]

CHAPTER 3 Patrol Squadron (VP) Histories VP-48 699KB
Circa 1942
A BIT OF HISTORY: "NAS Brunswick, Maine's Patrol Squadron Eight (VP-8) was initially established as VP-201 at NAS Norfolk, Virginia on 1 Sep 1942. Assigned to Fleet Air Wing Five (FAW-5) the squadron was equipped with Martin PBM-3S Mariners. VP-201 moved to NAS Banana River, FL on 6 Oct to undergo training until it returned to Norfolk on 6 Feb 1943 as a unit of Task Force 28 to provide antisubmarine warfare cover for Allied shipping convoys crossing the Atlantic. On 8 July 1943, the squadron's first-sighted enemy submarine struck the VP-201 PBM in the bomb-bay with anti-aircraft fire. The Mariner was forced home to Bermuda without dropping its depth charges. However, in the 28 month period from establishment to 1 Jan 1945, the squadron flew 27,873 hours without loss of an aircraft or serious injury to personnel. Beginning the Navy's quick-switch designation program of the 1940s, VP-201 was redesignated VPB-201 on 1 Oct 1944, only to be reverted to VP-201 on 15 May 1946 when it was moved to San Juan PR, returning to Norfolk on 2 June 1947 where it was then designated VP-MS-1 on 15 Nov 1946. It next became VP-MS-8 on 5 June 1947 and became a land-based unit at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. It briefly flew Lockheed PV-2 Harpoons before transitioning to Lockheed's P2V-2 Neptune between 1947 and February 1948 before finally becoming VP-8 on 1 Sept. 1948, homebased at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island. During its wartime service, the squadron flew antisubmarine warfare missions from Norfolk, Bermuda, Coco Solo and Canal Zone. The squdron flew a variety of the P2V from NAS Chincoteague, Virginia where it moved in March 1958 and then to NAS Patuxent River, Maryland in July 1961. During August 1962, VP-8 became the first operational squadron to get the Lockheed P3V-1 (P3A) Orion. The unit finally moved to Brunswick in July 1971. For more than 50 years, Tiger air crews have flown a variety of missions throughout the Eastern Hemisphere, inluding combat missions in World War II, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. The squadron also monitored Soviet ships during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. VP-8's performance has netted the squadron several Battle Efficiency "Es," the Meritorious Unit Commendation, and the Captain Arnold J. Isbell Trophy as the Navy's best anti-submarine warfare squadron. VP-8 is still in commission and now flies the P-3C. It recently returned from a deployment to Signorella." Contributed by Beth Perry (E-Mail Removed By Request) NEWSLETTER: "VP-8 Alumni Association" World War II Stories, and more!!!
 "VP-MS-8 Summary Page"