VP-MS-8 Miscellaneous
BOOKs: Patrol Bombing Squadron 208 "...This book tells the story of VPB-208, a U. S. Navy Patrol Bombing Squadron of Martin Mariners that reached its maturity during the Okinawa campaign of World War II. The PBMs of VPB-208 flew into Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945, and later were stationed at NAS Norfolk, Virginia, NAS Jacksonville, Florida, and NAS Trinidad, British West Indies as VP-208, VP-MS-8, and VP-48. The story covers seven years from December 1942 to December 1949, from commissioning in NAS Norfolk, Virginia through many months of antisubmarine patrol and air-sea rescue flights out of NAS Key West, Florida and on to the Pacific in time for the Iwo Jima campaign. This book is available from the author, Walter Schurman schurm5522@adelphia.net, 2400 S. Ocean Dr., #6124, Fort Pierce, FL 34949-7916 for $10.00 plus 3.80 Priority Mail..." [Updated 22JUN2005 | 08MAR99]
 "VP-MS-8 Summary Page"